All educational organizations, from childcare centers to universities, face unique insurance challenges that can impact their operations and financial health. This can trickle down, affecting the experience for students at the school. From navigating innovations in technology to best practices for handling student conflicts, various insurance risks shape, and change, the landscape of education.
These challenges only heighten when making considerations for special needs programs. In 2024, California will be a trailblazer for funding special needs programs in the state. Today, California serves more than 725,000 students with disabilities (approximately 11.7 percent of the K–12 population) and invests roughly $12 billion in federal, state, and local dollars annually in special education, the highest across the country.
Regardless of funding, successfully catering an education to a child with a disability needs attentive, determined focus from noble educators. While special education can be a rewarding career, this career path comes with a unique set of challenges. Below is a brief rundown on some emerging risks impacting special education programs organizational leaders should keep in focus when designating resources for mitigating these risks:
In Conclusion…
If you are interested in learning more about risks associated with special education, please contact your Keenan representative or email to connect with us.