Picture this: It's a typical Monday morning at the office, and one of your faculty members is making their way to their classroom when suddenly they slip on a wet patch of floor and take a nasty fall. Not only are they injured and unable to work, but now you're faced with a workers' compensation claim, lost productivity, and a potential lawsuit. Teachers spend a lot of time on their feet, moving around classrooms and the school campus. With so much activity, it's important to be aware of slip, trip, and fall hazards and take steps to prevent accidents.
Risk assessments help identify potential hazards on insured's premises that could lead to slips, trips, and falls. Assessment can help create a prevention plan that reduces risks and accidents. From wet floors in the cafeteria, to cluttered hallways or uneven walkways outside, there are a number of things to consider.
Promote Safety With Your Personnel
Keenan’s Safety Shorts videos entitled “Safety 101 Crash Course” are also a good (and free) tool to share with your staff. This quick and entertaining animated feature is an easy way to remind employees on how they can be aware of hazards and participate in reducing accidents. The series includes “Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards in the Classroom & At Your Work Station.”
Slips, trips and falls are among the most frequently encountered workplace incidents and are also among the most avoidable. Good housekeeping is great safety! Eliminating clutter, keeping floors clear of obstructions, cords and cables, and immediately wiping up spills makes it less likely anyone will take an unexpected trip to the emergency department.