California School Trending Topics

Suicide Prevention: A Reality of Campus Life

Written by California School Trending Topics | December 6, 2018

The tragedy of youth suicide becomes more shocking because we see it on the rise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that suicide rates have tripled over the past decade for girls aged 10-14, the highest growth of any group. We’re raising awareness and providing resources to schools to help reverse this epidemic.

California was the first state in the nation with a Suicide Prevention education law requiring local educational agencies serving pupils in grades 7-12 to adopt a suicide prevention policy. The policy should address training on suicide awareness and prevention.

Educators are often the first to notice changes in a student’s behavior or overall demeanor that indicate a tendency toward suicide. Most youth suicides can be prevented. School staff who are trained and aware can make the difference between life and death. Some warning signs parents and families, friends, teachers and staff to watch for include:

  • Symptoms of depression.
  • Sudden changes in behavior, friends, or personality.
  • Changes in physical habits or personality.
  • Loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities.
  • Increased use and abuse of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Suicide threats or confiding thoughts of suicide to a friend or trusted adult.
  • Writing suicidal thoughts on social media, in a diary or journal, or class work.
  • Giving away prized possessions and/or making a will.
  • Preoccupation with death and suicide themes.

“...suicide rates have tripled over the past decade for girls aged 10-14.”

Creating a positive environment – where youth are encouraged to share their feelings and conflicts with supportive adults – allows them to develop life skills to cope effectively with personal difficulties.

Suicide awareness and prevention relates closely with bullying and cyberbullying, LGBT students, online safety, sexual assault and student mental health. How effectively school officials respond to these issues may have a life-or-death influence on a victimized student.