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COVID-19: Ready to Reopen?

Published on June 30, 2020

Our latest Keenan SafeSchools releases for online training are a series of courses on COVID-19. These courses provide an overview of the coronavirus risk factors, where to find reliable information with the latest updates, as well as practical preparations for protection and coping with the situation. Over the next several weeks, we will present highlights from these short courses and we encourage you to take advantage of your access to these resources, whether you are a school that is a client or not.

As many areas are beginning to reopen, the first course we will review is Reopening Your Organization. This is an eight-minute overview of the major criteria for you to address when planning to reopen your school for staff to return to work and students to the classroom. As you consider your plans, be sure your activities are consistent with all state and local public health orders.

Your first priority will be to protect vulnerable employees, students and others entering your facilities. High risk individuals include older people, those with underlying health conditions or who are immune compromised. Remember that anyone can be susceptible. Before you reopen, be sure you have plans in place to protect everyone and prevent the spread of this virus.

"Environmental preparations are critical to keep people and your facilities safe."

Strictly implement the recommended personal hygiene practices that decrease the risk of spreading COVID-19, including:

  • Requiring wearing face masks in your facility by employees and others
  • Regular handwashing (soap and water) or hand sanitizing (using 60%+ alcohol products)
  • Avoiding touching your face

Environmental preparations for your workplace are critical both for initial reopening and for ongoing operations. These steps keep people and your facilities safe:

  • Clean and sanitize areas to be occupied, especially frequently-touched surfaces
  • Space workstations to maintain at least a 6-foot distance between employees
  • Maintain good ventilation
  • Train employees and students on required health and safety protocols
  • Monitor individuals for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
  • Stagger work shifts and implement telework to facilitate social distancing

Anyone showing symptoms or who feels sick should stay home. Be flexible with absence and leave policies to encourage compliance. Regularly monitor your community’s situation and adjust your own plans accordingly. The online course presents additional details and resources to assist you. Contact a local Keenan representative to access this course without cost or obligation.

Tags: property & casualty

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